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6 juin 2005

Vers l'âge conceptuel

Cet article passionnant de Daniel H. Pink dans Wired m'avait échappé, mais grâce à Instapundit je l'ai lu à l'instant (ce qui en dit long sur la capacité de mémoire collective d'Internet). Il s'agit d'une réflexion à mon sens très pertinente sur l'évolution des capacités mentales nécessaires à l'âge de l'information, alors que les machines - et la main d'oeuvre asiatique - sont en mesure d'exécuter à moindre coût des tâches linéaires et répétitives. Des capacités davantage axées sur l'intuition, la vue d'ensemble, la créativité et l'empathie :

To flourish in this age, we'll need to supplement our well-developed high tech abilities with aptitudes that are "high concept" and "high touch." High concept involves the ability to create artistic and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative, and to come up with inventions the world didn't know it was missing. High touch involves the capacity to empathize, to understand the subtleties of human interaction, to find joy in one's self and to elicit it in others, and to stretch beyond the quotidian in pursuit of purpose and meaning.
Developing these high concept, high touch abilities won't be easy for everyone. For some, the prospect seems unattainable. Fear not (or at least fear less). The sorts of abilities that now matter most are fundamentally human attributes. After all, back on the savannah, our caveperson ancestors weren't plugging numbers into spreadsheets or debugging code. But they were telling stories, demonstrating empathy, and designing innovations. These abilities have always been part of what it means to be human. It's just that after a few generations in the Information Age, many of our high concept, high touch muscles have atrophied. The challenge is to work them back into shape.
Want to get ahead today? Forget what your parents told you. Instead, do something foreigners can't do cheaper. Something computers can't do faster. And something that fills one of the nonmaterial, transcendent desires of an abundant age.
Le livre de ce brave homme est déjà sur ma liste d'attente ! ;)

Publié par Ludovic Monnerat le 6 juin 2005 à 20:54


Je pense plutot qu'une grande partie des gens se contenteront plutot de pain et de jeux...

Publié par Frédéric le 7 juin 2005 à 20:11